The Benefits of Installing UV Lights in HVAC Systems

Ultraviolet (UV) lights are an excellent air conditioning upgrade that will improve the air quality in your home and help prevent diseases and allergies. Learn more about the cost of installing UV lights in HVAC systems.

The Benefits of Installing UV Lights in HVAC Systems

Ultraviolet light has been used for decades to disinfect water, air, and surfaces. A recent study found that a specific wavelength of far UV C radiation, 222 nanometers, was particularly effective in reducing the spread of viruses. If you are considering installing UV lamps or any other indoor air quality unit in your home, Xtreme Heating & Cooling LLC is ready to help. In the long run, installing UV lighting in your HVAC system can save you money, as UV systems allow HVAC units to operate at up to 35% greater efficiency.

Ultraviolet light is naturally emitted by the sun and most of its forms are harmful to living beings and microorganisms, such as viruses. A study conducted in a commercial office building showed that the use of UV light can significantly reduce fungal levels. This wavelength is between 290 and 315 nm, which is why UV bulbs are often referred to as “UVC” or “UVB”. UV lights are an excellent air conditioning upgrade that will improve the air quality in your home and help prevent diseases and allergies.

Installing ultraviolet (UV) lights in your HVAC system can be a great way to improve the air quality in your home and protect your family from harmful bacteria and viruses. UV lights are designed to emit a specific wavelength of ultraviolet radiation that is effective at killing bacteria and viruses. The study, published this month in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, is the first to comprehensively analyze the effects of different wavelengths of ultraviolet light on SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses, including the only safer wavelength for unprotected living beings. UV lights that have a higher wavelength can penetrate much deeper and are therefore more effective and will eliminate a higher percentage of bacteria and viruses.

To make your decision easier, here is a complete summary of the cost that UV air conditioning lights usually cost and also the factors that can influence this cost. These units are installed inside the air controller and emit UV rays directly onto the evaporator coil instead of cleaning the air. Linden warns against using any personal or “germicidal” device where a person is exposed to UV light. If you're having problems with mold in your air conditioning unit or mold in your home, or if you're concerned about air quality, installing UV units can be an effective solution.

Not only will it help reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses, but it will also help improve energy efficiency by allowing your HVAC unit to operate at up to 35% greater efficiency. If you have any questions or want to schedule a consultation to learn if UV lights are right for your home, call us today. Installing UV lighting in your HVAC system can save you money in the long run and provide a healthier environment for you and your family.

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